From startups to Fortune 500s, the worlds most effective engineering teams supercharge their developers with Aviator.

Large dev teams + monorepo = slow CI and broken builds

Large developer teams mixed with monorepos results in a slow CI and broken builds.
Re-running lengthy end-to-end tests causing delayed, sluggish deploys.
Elusive, difficult to debug flaky tests from unrelated PR commits.
Merging new changes to outdated PRs resulting in build conflicts.
Build failures due to incompatible changes from multiple developers.

Aviator is a scalable merge queue platform that works with any build tool including Bazel, NX, Pants, Turborepo, or Gradle.

Aviator MergeQueue gives engineering teams flexibility to customize merge workflows tailored to their specific use cases.

Free for teams under 15 developers

Built for Enterprise

Used in teams of 1000+ developers. Aviator is comes with security, reliability and scalability built in. We support on-prem deployments, exports to data lakes data warehouses, SOC2 Type II certified.

Real-time support over Slack

SOC2 Type II compliance

SAML-based authentication

What experts say

Loved by developers

Robert-Jan Huijsman
Founding Engineer,

We wanted strong guarantees in our developer workflow: every PR must pass human review and automated tests, and those tests must run with the branch completely up to date with the latest main. Aviator made it feasible to have higher standards for our CI while making the development process easier.

Enzo Biancato
CTO, TestRigor

Aviator saved us countless hours of engineering time. Now our engineers no longer need to constantly attend to their PRs because rebases are happening automatically.

Niall Paterson
Director of Engineering, Butternut Box

Aviator has massively relieved developer frustration in terms of having to constantly monitor PRs. It has given our team the confidence to "set and forget" many previously manual workflows - fantastic!

Chintan Parikh
Head of Compliance Engineering, Secureframe

Aviator has saved our team a lot of headache associated with merge processes. I no longer have to worry about insidious semantic conflicts that break our builds and drive development to a halt. Managing our main branch has become frustration free - our builds are always deploy-ready.

Brett Comnes
Software Engineer, Socket

Addressing flaky tests with Aviator has saved me hours a week, and in some cases saved me the entire week.

Daniel Padiernos
Senior Software Engineer, Health Catalyst

No more merge request anxiety - it set me free!

Byron Hambly
Senior Protocol Developer,

Aviator has saved us countless hours and avoided many source code conflicts where 2 or more simultaneous PRs have conflicts but pass CI independently. The Tari repo now moves fast, with multiple PRs per day that are often updated. Aviator's MergeQueue is the exact solution we needed, taking strain off of developers, reviewers, and maintainers. MergeQueue makes managing a constant stream of PRs as easy as "Hello World".

Scale MergeQueue for your monorepo

Aviator MergeQueue: run massively parallel dynamic queues with affected targets

Run massively parallel dynamic queues using affected targets

Automatically manage disjoint parallel queues on the fly basedon the impacted targets in your distributed builds.

Aviator leverages the independent code paths that typically exist in a large monorepo to create thousands of parallel queues. These queues validate independent sets of CI checks and merge concurrently.

Predictive batches

Using our smart configurable algorithms to create predictive batches to merge changes at scale, and block any failures from reaching your mainline.

Flaky Test resistance

Most of the large test infrastructures become flaky over time. Aviator has built-in configuration to define tolerance threshold for flaky tests.

Prioritize critical fixes

Move important fixes ahead in the queue without impacting concurrent merges in the disjoint parallel queues.

Bring your own CI tool

Aviator MergeQueue is CI-agnostic and can be plugged into any CI platform you currently use in your monorepo.

and more...
Effortless automations

Connect to your existing tools

Aviators automations connect with your existing toolchain. Integrate with any CI provider, any source-control system, and other tools. Aviator empowers you to automate across your developer toolchain seamlessly.

Let us show you how it works


Not sure if Aviator is right for you? Get in touch.