What is a merge queue and how do you manage one?

In this article, you'll learn all about why you need a merge queue and how to manage one...

Managing Prometheus alerts in Kubernetes at scale using GitOps

In this post, we will look at how to manage Prometheus alerts in a GitOps way using the Prometheus...

Test documentation tips and best practices in software engineering

In this post, you’ll learn about the importance of test case documentation, grasp actionable tips on...

Using OpenID Connect to replace CI/CD credentials

In this post, we'll take a closer look at using OpenID Connect to to replace credentials instead of...

How Git compresses files

In this article, we will dive into the Git internals and see how files are actually compressed and...

What causes flaky tests and how to manage them

This post reviews five common causes of flaky tests showing up in your build pipeline and how best...

Understanding the mental model behind GCP IAM: from identities to hierarchy

This article provides the basic mental model that is behind Google Cloud Platform’s (GCP) Identity...

Rethinking code reviews with stacked PRs

This post explores shift-left principles and suggests that stacked PRs will become increasingly...

Merge strategies to keep builds healthy at scale

This post features a distillation of various merge strategies that help teams scale and their...

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