How to manage multi-environment deployments with Kluctl

In this article, we delve into the strategies and best practices from the initial setup to the...

Scaling monorepos with MergeQueue and Nx

Today we’re happy to announce that affected targets now supports Nx...

Kubesphere vs Rancher and Openshift

This article will explore three prominent players in Kubernetes management tools: KubeSphere...

SonarQube vs Fortify

This article compares SonarQube and Fortify's features, capabilities, and functionalities...

What is a monorepo and why use one?

In this comprehensive guide, you'll gain insights into what a monorepo is and how it differs from...

Building a CI/CD pipeline for a Google App Engine site using CircleCI

In this article, we will build a CI/CD pipeline for a Google App Engine Site using CircleCI...

Mckinsey developer productivity metrics: Opportunity isn’t the goal

A recent McKinsey report argues that software teams should focus their benchmarks on opportunities...

Automating integration tests: Tools and frameworks for efficient QA

In this article, we will explore the benefits of automating Integration testing in software...

Introducing Aviator’s engineering efficiency calculator

A calculator that provides a glimpse of the “hidden pockets” of time wasted that typically do not...

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